Where your relationship can find HOPE and HELP
The Blog
“The great majority of wives think sex is only for the husband to enjoy and for the wife to endure. For many wives it’s sort of like doing the laundry although not quite as exciting.”
— Sim Fulcher, Door to a Lasting Marriage

The Book
It is more than a self-help book. It addresses the sources of marriage difficulties rather than just the symptoms.
Our book is a basic treatment of marriage—the ABCs. Its chapters deal with Anger, Baggage, Children, Differences, Eros (Sex), and Faith. Each chapter is distinct, almost like six books under one cover. The material has been developed over 60 years of marriage, 50 years as marriage counselors, and 15 years of leading marriage & relationship seminars.
Our purpose in writing is to help strengthen marriages and marriages-to-be. The book is intensely personal. It’s our story.
The Authors
Helping you to make your marriage story one for the ages by humbly sharing from ours.
Sim, now retired, was an associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu having previously served as associate pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and at Calvin Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Mimi was a retired bank manager after being associated with PNC Bank for 23 years. Mimi and Sim hold degrees from Georgia State College and Georgia Institute of Technology respectively. Sim also has a Master of Divinity degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. They have three grown children, nine grandchildren, one great grandchild, and a cocker spaniel.
On Monday, January 23, 2023, Mimi, at peace and surrounded by her loving family, went to be with her Savior, Lord, and Friend. Sim still resides in Augusta, Georgia, the home of both his and Mimi’s birth.