Interrupted by a Rainbow (or) Reflections on the Accursed “S” Word
Our close neighbors were an intriguing couple. Their two boys were into piano lessons and frequently serenaded all of us in our surrounding homes as our windows were always open to the warm, exhilarating, and often fragrant air of Honolulu. He, a sought-after aficionado of Chinese art, she a professor at the university, were ethnically mixed. (Most on our block were Asian.) Mimi and I liked this couple a lot, and I as a pastor — who became one because of my desire to share with friends what I feel is the best news that ever came down the pike — was always wanting to get in a conversation with them about such matters. They were not conversant with the Christian message, but we weren’t about to hawk our ware at them like street venders. We left the subject open. One day the wife caught me in our joint driveway with a question.
It Was a Great Question and She Asked it with Finesse
I’ll call her Ruth. She said, “Sim, I have a question maybe you could help me with.” Ruth got to her point quickly, “I’m trying to get a grip on where you Christians are coming from. I understand that you feel all people are basically what you call sinners. You start there and you lose me from the get-go, because I feel people are basically good. I try to build people up, not tear them down. People are torn down enough these days. They need someone to believe in them, to be optimistic about them, someone who will help them accept their weaknesses, not add to their already negative thoughts about themselves.” I was salivating theologically like a dog about to pounce on his favorite bone. Pounce on her personally? Heavens no! Hers was a great question and I told her so. And I had no sooner told her so when she screamed, “Look at that rainbow! I’ve got to go get my camera.” She got her camera and subsequently a bunch of photos of a beautiful rainbow over our house. End of conversation. Not long after, Ruth and her family moved away. My answer still smolders. Every so often I think of Ruth and the incident. I thought of them this past Saturday.
Those words were emblazoned in huge red letters on the front of a man’s T-shirt who greeted us at McDonalds where we stopped for lunch on the way to a South Carolina beach for the holiday. On the shirt’s back was, “Attention Sinners, Fire Pending,” along with a graphic in case one needed to be reminded of what fire looks like. His hat read “You Need Jesus.” Apparently, the restaurant manager felt the man was harmless — even allowing him to hand out literature to restaurant patrons. Oddly, this man was not off-base theologically, but he broke every rule of communication. He may not turn away all, but his ilk kept me from God for years and no doubt was a factor in Ruth’s negative experience. On the other hand, consider: I once heard the president of Princeton Seminary tell the story of his adventure on a plane flight where he told his seat-mate — after being asked by the stranger his line of work — “I’m in the fire-insurance business.” This president immediately explained to his astonished new acquaintance that fire was symbolic, that it meant the eternal sting of being separated from the One who made us resulting in facing a forever without the hint of a Reference Point. (Such sounds to me worse than actual fire.) He further clarified that his work was to equip pastors to effectively communicate God’s love which provides the way to prevent that separation.
Ruth and Truth
Ruth was right on two counts. One, many well-meaning Christians attempt to scare non-believers into faith by the sinners-go-to-hell-AND-YOU-ARE-ONE method. This attitude coupled with a lack of love and respect may turn one against God forever. Two, sin is foundational to Christian doctrine. But what Ruth had apparently never been told was that the Bible teaches we come into this world — not as bad, wicked, awful people — but with a nature that is incapable of being in line with God’s nature. This means unless that nature is changed we remain out of sync with God forever. The purpose of the Bible is to tell the story of that fallen nature, how it has since crippled every human being, and because of God’s love for us Jesus came to fix it. Enter 2 Corinthians 5:17: … anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun. BUT: The old adage, If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, applies here. People don’t feel “broke,” and to be told they are is counterproductive. In other words SIN has become a religious slur word — politically incorrect. But God who loves us has a way of helping us to know we are “broke” and need fixin.’ Two examples come to mind: Arguably the world’s most famous Christian, St. Paul, said, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. And the most famous sermon ever preached in America — the catalyst for the First Great Awakening — was delivered by Jonathan Edwards in 1741. A monument marks the spot. The sermon title — Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.